by pedromarques | Sep 9, 2023
St. Lawrence College 2023–24 Viewbook Student Spread Output CLIENT PROJECT Role PRINT DESIGNER, CO-STRATEGIST (GROUP OF 3) Background St. Lawrence College in Kingston, Ontario values “opening doors to opportunity” down pathways of passion for students of all...
by pedromarques | Sep 8, 2023
Non-Profit Campaign Posters Output STUDENT PROJECT (FICTIONAL) Role PRINT DESIGNER, STRATEGIST, RESEARCHER Background UNICEF is a non-profit that aims to improve the lives of disadvantaged children. They provide life necessities and education with the help of...
by pedromarques | Sep 7, 2023
Learning Management Software Infographic Poster Output STUDENT PROJECT FOR CLIENT Role INFORMATION & PRINT DESIGNER, STRATEGIST, RESEARCHER Background The School of Contemporary Teaching & Learning (SCTL) at St. Lawrence College (SLC) is responsible for...
by pedromarques | Sep 5, 2023
Conference Brand & Applications Output STUDENT PROJECT (FICTIONAL) Role BRAND, PRINT, & UI DESIGNER, STRATEGIST, RESEARCHER Background Weatherwise is a fictional conference on extreme weather and climate change. A serious event designed for policymakers, it...
by pedromarques | Sep 4, 2023
Non-Profit Rebrand & Guidelines Output STUDENT PROJECT (FICTIONAL) Role BRAND, UI, & PRINT DESIGNER, STRATEGIST, RESEARCHER Background Diabetes Canada is a non-profit organization that works to support diabetic patients through educational support. They also...